Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My Yankee Cousin

Most of last week, my cousin, Clint, was visiting his mom in Rogers. He drove in from Chicago, and on Thursday night I was able to drive down and spend some time with him! We are lucky to see him about once a year, and each time he comes, there are new babies! To be the childless bachelor of the family, it can be a little overwhelming.

I left my little guys at home, and Chloe and Hannah were both in school on Friday, but we got to spend plenty of quality time with the little ones!

Sarah and her youngest two girls, Emmery (3) and Bobbi (3 months) Could Emmery look any more like Sarah?

Is there anything sweeter than a sleeping baby?

Chelsea and her youngest two, Brooke (4) and Amiee (2)

Amiee is just a few weeks older than Mason and just like him she her favorite phrase is "My do it"

Sweet little girls filling their shirts with the pea gravel.

Emmery taking Dee for a ride

Sarah's little guy, Bubby (1) he's the only other boy besides my 2. That's 3 boys and 7 girls between us.

Emmery's smiles came a lot quicker than they did in March

It was so good to see Clint! We had a great visit and even got to take our Mom's out for a nice lunch and to do a little shopping. We've had a brother/sister pestering type of relationship most of our lives, and even a little love/hate while we were roomies in Jonesboro. Our face time isn't often enough, and I cherish it.

My little Momma and the "newest" granddaughter.

Sarah and her youngest kiddo's, Hannah was still at school. She started kindergarten this year, and loves it.

To not have children, Clint was amazingly comfortable with the baby, unless it was diaper time!

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